As the days speed by
As the days speed by during this autumn season, it sometimes seems like they are moving along at a pace somewhat faster than the speed of light, leaving pieces of light behind, torn away at the edges from the sunrise and sunset. Whatever, the dark days are approaching; and all our activities are moving inside. Although we still schedule some events outside, the air holds a chill that encourages us to seek the warmth and aromatic environment indoors.
Of course, this November features an Election Day. Few there are who will not also feel thanksgiving because all those unending political ads have at last ceased. Our nation’s idealistic freedom to choose our leaders has degenerated into a nastiness that leaves a bad taste and uneasiness about the future.
Nevertheless, traditionally, when we think of November, we think of Thanksgiving Day. Which is, of course, a time of eating unbelievable amounts of food, of family and friends gathering together, of watching football games, and, perhaps, of venturing outdoors to walk in the crisp, late autumn air.
How often, in this season of the year, we get so completely entangled with the busyness of each day that we fail to discipline ourselves to take time to be truly, deeply grateful for all we have. Yes, we have times of difficulties, troubles and challenges. But yes, we also live in a country that is still a beacon of hope to huge numbers around the globe – just talk to folks risking everything to cross our border in Texas. Yes, we have a real problem with crime and mindless violence. But then again, we aren’t in horrendous peril like those in Ukraine or other lawless places in this world. Yes, our days may include physical pain and discouraging, scary health issues. But, close by, we are served by compassionate, dedicated individuals whose life’s work is to ease your pain, and to seek to gain knowledge about how to better deal with complex physical and mental issues, and to bring healing to body and soul. Indeed, just look at our surroundings. Sometimes it rains. But this is a beautiful time of the year. When the sun shines on the glowing colors of our fall foliage, it’s hard not to pause and admire and soak it in.
This Thanksgiving, and all this month, take some time away from all that busyness, and think upon the innumerable blessings that enrich each breath. And whisper a thank you to the Creator Who provides each blessing - including those you never even thought of. Virginia Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8