Posted on January 1, 2021.

Somehow we managed to chug our way to the end of a year that visited much trouble upon this world. An unknown virus started a pandemic. Resultant shutdowns led to financial difficulties and violence. And if that wasn’t enough, Americans endured a scarcely-civil presidential race and politics – all of these brought to our attention
ad nauseum by the communications media, eager to steer our opinions and emotions. Confined to our homes, away from supportive family and friends, and lacking comforting hugs, a large segment of the population was stressed and scared. So most folks are only too glad to see the end of 2020.
And so we greet 2021. We have no idea where we will be going this new year. Yet, most of us, if we honestly reflect upon it, cannot complain about how we fared last year. Certainly, our lives were disrupted to a degree by masks, social distancing and conflicting school and business schedules. But, praise the Lord, most have eluded serious illness, accidents or any of the possible vicissitudes that are visited upon us, even in a “normal” year. Interestingly, we have no idea if the tribulations of 2020 have caused any folks to consider that there is a supportive Comforter readily available to everyone if only they turn to Him. To anyone familiar with the history recorded in the Old Testament, God allowed, and sometimes caused, times of great troubles and stress to His people, the Israelites, when they strayed from trusting and obeying His wisdom. Is it possible that too many of the people in this present world turned to serving other gods ignoring His love and guidance? Are we “like sheep without a shepherd”?
We can only hope and pray that people everywhere will ponder these times – without the help of the media – and find peace in the God Who loves, strengthens and protects them. Virginia