When I was a grade-school kid

Posted on March 1, 2023.

When I was a grade-school kid growing up in Michigan, March would come along and my teachers often said: "If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb." They were trying to give us hope of warmth and an end of shoveling. By 5th grade, I wasn't buying it, because in Michigan, March usually came in like a lion--AND went out like a lion! Sometimes it seemed more like tigers were involved. My old grade-school art even at Easter usually displayed snow.
It's much more mild here, and a bit of sweep-able or ski-able snow is lovely. Still, one of the ways I find a temporary joy in the winter, even this rather pleasant and mild one, is with a website going in the background on my computer. It's a Spring count-down clock showing a patch of tulips swaying in a gentle breeze while birds sing. It's a lovely and hopeful reminder that even in a mild winter (so far!) with the sun feeling warmer each week, Winter isn't forever and Spring's a-comin'!
March is also usually the month most of Lent takes place. You know Lent, the six weeks Christians prepare ourselves before Easter / Resurrection Sunday. I'm reminded that throughout the Bible (yes, the Old Testament too), Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God. Why? Because God allowed himself to come as a man and then be the once-for-all sacrifice so those who accept him & believe can be forgiven for their wrongs and be at peace with God. Our new life begins because of the Lamb of God.
This new life brings an end to the “winter of sin”. That cold, lonely, selfish, willfulness where love and real joy don't grow and look dead--are actually dead. The cold heart toward God that can't even imagine the warmth and Eternity God offers to all in Jesus and delivers to all who accept him on faith and follow him.
In what seems to be an opposite, Jesus is also referred to as the Lion of Judah. Why? Because he is the King of Creation and Ruler of the life of the Christian. Surprisingly powerful. Though Jesus humbled Himself as a servant to all, He is not a pushover. Do not confuse His humility with weakness. Humility can best be understood as power under control. Jesus is the conquering, victorious king. He raises the bar of behavior so our fresh, new lives grow and point to the astonishing magnificence of God. As we mature as Christians, we realize that life is better & more meaningful when we really act like Jesus is our Lord, our ultimate, all-powerful boss. All who stand against Him will fall, but all who are gathered behind Him will rest in safety.
Why both Lion & Lamb? Well, if the average person has many sides--husband, dad, friend, boss, employee, mechanic, chef, doesn't it stand to reason that an infinitely-complex Creator or Savior—or God would be far more multi-faceted than a man or woman? It's a significant mistake to think of Jesus in one-dimensional, simplistic, human terms.
So Jesus comes in like a Lamb AND a Lion! The humble Sacrifice for all the grateful people who admit that He is who He says He is. And the King of Creation deserving and expecting our joyful, willing obedience. And. The only one who offers the eternal perfect warmth of his presence. Even better than a field of tulips! Pastor Geoff                                                       I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.           Philippians 3:10-11